
¿Discapacidad como construcción social?

Hola a todas y todos! He querido reactivar el blog con reflexiones y cosas que se me vayan ocurriendo día a día para abrir un espacio de diálogo y reflexión, y esta es la primera! Recientemente he tomado un curso de Discapacidad e inclusión social y una de las cosas que más llamó mi atención fue el entender la discapacidad como una construcción social, que claro muchas cosas lo son, pero en particular yo nunca lo había pensado así. La verdad es que sí, estamos acostumbrados a mirar la discapacidad según lo que se llama el modelo biomédico, ese que caracteriza a las personas discapacitadas como necesitadas de rehabilitación y asistencia, así como también y por ende, de personas deficientes reducidas por la simple falta de un órgano por ejemplo. Por otro lado y que hace un tiempo ha comenzado a tomar valor, está el modelo social de discapacidad, este modelo señala que es la sociedad la que hace discapacitadas a las personas, imponiendo sus barreras actitudinales y a partir de esta, barr
Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about mi dog, Max. He was born in December of 2017, is a mixture of Yorkshire and Bichón Maltés, of small size and color light brown, don’t have tail and is very affectionate and he has a brother called Cody. I remember that when I knew of his arrival, I was in Uruguay and mi mum sent me pictures of the dog and I did not want it because I don’t like the shaggy dogs,  because I think that are like ragmans but when I saw it and played with him, I love it. This dog is very special for me because I believe that we have created a tie very nice, and is like a baby for me, he makes me very happy and helps me too much when I am sad or stressed. He gives me peace, love and many laughs. Max enjoy too much the bath time because is very relaxing for he. When you shows the shampoo or the towel he jumps like crazy, take the things and run to the bathroom. Before of this, we trust of dry it but always is a challenge because he don’t like the hair dryer so, the

In my free time...

Hello, today i’m going to talk about the activities that I do in my free time. And in my free time, I like to play voleibol that is one of my favorite sports but I can’t do very often because I don’t have a partner for play and is so sad, but I like to play in the beach when I can because is a experience really exquisite. This activity involves in have a ball, a partner, time and eagerness of pass a very good moment. I enjoy too much this activity because while you play, also you can talk with your partner so is very complementary when you play with a friend that you don’t see a long time ago, so, you can combine a sport with share with a friend. Other  activity that I like to do is watch TV in the bed and if I can, with mi mum. I like to do every moment  that I can, this activity involves for me a mental rest that I enjoy because disconnect me of the world and it is a opportunity for be with my mum. A important thing for me is the contradiction that I have with this activities


I use a lot of apps on the phone but I believe that WhatsApp is the app that I use the most, because is very easy to use and very fast. However, I think that my favorite is Pinterest. I discovered this app with my best friend, when we were at school because sometimes we were bored so, we searched ideas about things for do. I like this app because you can find about everything, since movies lists to clothes or ideas of manual things for do a gift. Also, I like this app for see drawing and nice images about a specific theme. Too you can post photos with your ideas and share with the people. I use this app once to the week, when I receive a mail with new contents for look. And I recommend this app because is very useful and easy of use, it can you rescue in moments of emergency for get ideas. An important thing for me is that, if you save a pin (image) and use the idea, you can post like you use the idea, for example, if you want to do a braid you can search brides in pinterest

Green life!

I think that the all people should try have a “Green life”. With this I want say that we should be more friendly with environmentally. Usually, is very difficult for me can do things for the environmentally because in the beach (Cartagena specifically) we don’t have many good ideas or public policies about the “Green life” . Recently the law of no more plastic bags, is the idea that in the beach have most impact, because in the sea we can see seriously affected all the fauna diversity’s.   So, in this time, we are trying adapt to new steps for the benefit of the planet. In respect of the Chilean government, I think that not totally promote recycling because we don’t have genuine measures   environmentally. Comprehend that Chile is a country that destroy more that care, is very difficult that we can move to a “Green life” or “Green mind” in benefit of environmentally.   The most common items that people recycle is, I believe, the carton box, the bottles (of glass and returnable)

Tv serie/ Dr. House

I like the TV serie “Dr. House MD” because is very funny the sarcastic humour that have the main character: Gregory House. Also, the search of the exact diagnostic for the strange cases that feature in each chapter, proving the reality of different people. I discoved this Tv Serie in the night, when I was bored and I stayed until too late, so I looked at tv and in the channel “TVN” at 01:00 am that showed the serie. I watched it frecuently, when I find the serie of coincidence in the Tv or when I want see I do in Netflix, but in general I believe that I see three or five chapters in the month. Like interesting fact is that the friendship of House and Wilson is based in the friendship of Sherlock Holmes and Watson, also, that Hugh Laurie (Dr. House) is a recognized musician and singer that in the Serie can demonstrate playing different instruments. Other interesting fact is that this serie was my inspiration for study medicine in a principle, for this serie I won a love for th

In the future...

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about I would like to work. In the future, I would like have a job at Law Courts, like social worker that realizes investigation about court cases related with the children. I would like to do this because my dream is work with children, so, I think that since this position I can help to the children whose rights have been violated, and try that give them a better quality of life. The qualities that I would need for this job is know the laws, so I need have a good memory. Also, I think that I need be good for argue and defend, in respect of a debate for decide that would be the best option for the child. I think that my reward would be have a job whereby I can help and share with children that is my dream, so, would be for me a pleasure if I can do two of my favorite things. A important thing is I believe, the risks that this job have. I say this because work with court cases could be very heavy for a person; this job could have a serio